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28 lessons for life

Updated: Nov 26, 2024

After more than 25 years of walking, I have learned some things that ended up changing my life and now I share some of these lessons with you. I am sure they will help you forever!

1 - Do what you want to do, now!

Life is not a test and all you have is now, time is something that cannot be brought back. There is no second chance, so live what you really want to live as soon as possible.

2 - Take care of yourself so that others do not have to

We all have so many worries already, it is not fair to put our lives on someone else's shoulders. Not taking care of yourself is not mature and also very selfish. Take care of your mind, your health and be well for yourself and for others too.

3 - Your life, your choices, your decisions

Do not live anyone's life but your own. Many of us have a family that interferes in our decisions and wants to decide our future, but life is only yours and even knowing that they want the best for us, only we know what is really important for our lives.

4 - Stop complaining

If you could be with all the blessings in your life, you would be much more grateful and complain much less. It's really annoying to live with someone who only knows how to complain, about the weather, food, commitments, work, everything. Don't be someone that others don't want around.

5 - Live more lightly

I don't usually watch the news on TV because I know what I'm going to see, I try to focus my energy and thoughts on good things, live one day at a time, calmly and lightly, even though it may seem impossible I understand that it's better to live like this, you can too.


6 - Worry less

It may seem counterintuitive, but those who worry too much end up frustrated because exactly what they didn't want happens. But, if instead you focus on going with the flow and letting life take its course you will end up in great surprises. Of course! I'm not saying to sit around with your arms crossed, but to act and let things come back, if it's meant to be, it will be.

7 - Just start

Planning is good, but often we get stuck at this stage wanting everything to be perfect and never get started. We get stuck, planning is great when we really know where we want to go.

8 - Have balance

Life is too heavy to live with a baggage so full of useless things. Throw away those backpacks that only serve to continue to irritate you and affect the people around you.

9 - Choose to be happy

If you don't live in a war situation, if you have food to eat every day, a roof over your head to protect you from the cold, if you are healthy and have happy moments with the people you love, why do you still feel so sad? It may seem like little if we compare our lives to very "successful" people, even though the definition of success is relative, we end up not seeing all the blessings. Remember, there are people with less than you who have decided to be happy.

10 - Give up

Arguments, things, places and even people who harm your mental health, give up all of them. Getting involved in meaningless things that do not benefit your life is a lack of self-esteem.

11 - Always be on the move

Everything in life is a matter of time and we don't have enough or we waste it in the wrong way. Being on the move means walking even on a stormy day, don't stop, if you're tired, rest, I'd even add, walk slower. If you've lost your way then ask yourself if the path still makes sense, don't let your life stop, getting up to start walking again can be much more difficult.

12 - Do more new things

Always have something new to delight you, feel that butterflies in your stomach, the fear of not knowing what you're doing, if they'll laugh at you. Be passionate about new things, about new experiences, they will give you absurd doses of rejuvenation.

13 - You are alone

Even if there are people in your life who love you, support you and are by your side on bad days, most of our lives, regardless of whether we have these people or not, we will spend alone. So make peace with yourself.

14 - Treat yourself as you treat others

I know you may have been through this or are going through it. Having more consideration, understanding, respect and even more love for others than for yourself is a clear sign of low self-esteem. This scale needs to be balanced, you cannot truly love others without loving yourself.

15 - Be an adult

Stop eating so much junk food, maintain a physical activity routine, stop watching so many series until late, wake up earlier, be responsible with your schedule. Being an adult requires commitment and maturity, but it also brings greater freedom.

16 - Define your priorities

We all have priorities in life and they tend to change according to the stages of our life. Define what they are and make it clear to yourself and to others that they are non-negotiable and will always come first.

17 - Be less afraid

I was a very fearful teenager, then I was too bold and then when I was young, too fearful. I realized that boldness is an attitude that opens many doors, so be less afraid, but have common sense.

18 - Be patient

One day you will want someone to be a little calmer with your lack of focus, lack of concentration or lack of agility. So be patient now with those who need it and wait for the reward.

19 - Get ready for yourself

Don't get ready to please other people's eyes, although I believe that getting ready is also about taking care of others, but rather to look in the mirror and feel good, to see yourself. I've always liked getting ready and dressing well because I like fashion, but there was a time when I gave up being myself because people said I was being over the top. It was then that I rediscovered my essence and went back to getting ready without caring about other people's opinions.

20 - Don't be afraid to speak your mind.

I've always tortured myself thinking about what someone would think, what someone would say about my opinion on a subject. Not caring about what others think is liberating, and if they want you to respect their opinion, they need to respect yours.

21 - No one cares about you

The intention is not to hurt you, but to open your eyes and make you understand that the world is not focused on your life, it does not revolve around you. So forget about the embarrassments, the stumbles, soon no one will remember them.

22 - Ask for help

I've always had to do a lot of things alone, and that's why it was always very difficult for me to ask for help. This overwhelmed me and I had burnout, I was self-destructing. I couldn't ask for help and it's still very complicated, but it's necessary. We're not superheroes, don't make the same mistake.

23 - You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped

All my life I've tried to help people who didn't want help, who didn't want to change, and that wore me out physically and mentally. That's part of what caused Burnout. Just accept that you can't change anyone by force.

24 - Peace lives within you

Even though there are places where you and I can feel at peace, true peace resides within us.

25 - Believing in yourself is essential

I doubted my talents and didn't believe I was capable of many things. The truth is that my mother always believed in me more than I believed in myself. I understood that it's not arrogance to tell people what we're really good at.

26 - You'll miss your family

And much more than you think or want to admit. I ended up staying with my parents longer than I wanted, and when I was away, the longing hurt. Enjoy every moment with your family. One day those moments will no longer exist.

27 - You can't shorten your own finish line

The world lives in a constant marathon as if there were a finish line that was the same for everyone. Many have already crossed theirs, others aren't even halfway there, so why the rush?

28 - Live

I've been making my list of goals religiously the day after my birthday since I was 18. And I've never finished this list. There's always been one or two that I didn't succeed in.

I got anxious, frustrated because I didn't always complete steps on time, and I've never been more understanding with myself. In life, nothing goes according to plan. Something always goes off track and things work out in the end.

I've achieved things I never imagined even though they weren't on the list. I just want to go with the flow and live, without so much pressure, at least for a year.

Who knows what I'll achieve and learn with this one goal for 2025: to live. See you next year on November 19th to tell you what I learned. 29th...

Beijim 💋



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