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Updated: Dec 13, 2024

I don't know about you, but I've always been a Christmas enthusiast, at least since I can remember, I've always been like that. It's actually a bit of a strange characteristic because my family never had a Christmas spirit.

This year, blogging again (or trying to, sorry) I decided to create an advent calendar that could be shared. So, from the 1st (yes, I'm already late) at twenty-five minutes past midnight we will have a post with a special activity to be done.

So, to begin with, I don't know if you know the history of this calendar. To sum it up, it is a German tradition that began many years ago and with the changes it ended up becoming popular in many countries, I can't say all of them.

Today, every year brands develop these calendars to promote their products and of course increase sales. But, I must admit that brands really work hard on ideas, the desire is to buy them all.

Let's get to the point, in this post we will have the first day and until ten o'clock today the other two activities will be out and at twenty-five minutes past midnight we will have the fourth activity.

- Have a moment of gratitude and reflection

Review how many blessings you received this year, I know there were many, even if you don't remember them all.

Remember the difficult moments and how much strength you had to overcome them or you wouldn't be here today.

Write it down somewhere easy to see so that this holiday season you remember to give thanks once again.

Beijim 💋


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