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From wife to lover (exactly as I heard)

Two hands almost touching each other on the subway
Two hands almost touching each other on the subway

It seems to be a betrayal within the church, the (betrayed) let's call her Ginger - the color of the gossip's blouse - she wanted to be nice and said it was cute. A much older friend (who should have more respect) says it was stupid because she was entitled to half.

I'm rolling on the floor laughing and holding back on the outside so as not to laugh in their faces. In fact, I may be drawing conclusions about the aforementioned women (who are now off the wagon, bye-bye cuties).

I thought there would be more of a story about the pain of someone who was betrayed and then received an invitation from the traitor to be his lover. I expected a little more humanity in the language of others who, despite the security with which they spoke to each other, are not exempt from suffering the same thing.

Who knows, they might remember this broken heart when they find themselves picking up their own pieces. I suspect that for a moment they noticed me with a slight sideways smile and I imagine that at least one of the three imagined me denouncing her sins in this small digital space...

Beijim 💋



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