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I don't want...

You know those really true clichés that everyone says? Today I don't want to hear any of them from anyone. Even if it's exactly the solution to my problem.

I don't want to hear that I need to ask myself why I'm anxious, that I should count so many numbers with controlled breathing or that I should go meditate with rain music, and much less that anxiety is controllable and that I should be being cool.

I don't want to hear quotes from famous coaches about how we should see the positive side of life and that all the troubles I'm going through will eventually pass because I feel like they're never-ending or that I shouldn't give up when I'm so tired.

I don't want anyone telling me how good and talented I am without having achieved a third of my goals, which might be pretty crazy to most people around me. I just don't want any of that today.

I don't want to hear catchphrases or people saying, "Don't give up, your time will come." Sometimes we're just completely fed up with everything, including all the truths that haven't (yet) come true in our lives. Because I'm too stressed to listen to peace and love, f**k the rules, the little tips, any mantra that supposedly calms you down and even less f**k those who are holding back success saying that we haven't achieved it yet because we didn't want to or worse because we didn't give it our best.

Geez! Today wasn't feeling well, but I needed to write and tell you what I was thinking and that maybe you will too. See you later...

Beijim 💋



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