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In the bag

Let's pretend I'm a Vogue guest and I'm going to open my everyday bag for you. I literally take everything I describe below:

• water bottle or my reusable cup: I'm always hydrating, so there's no shortage of that in my bag.

• a fruit, cereal bar or snack: I avoid eating street food, I don't always follow it to the letter not only for health reasons to avoid eating junk food, but I generally don't feel good about these foods.

• necessities: lip balm, sunscreen, hair elastic, hand cream, perfume, classic red lipstick, mirror, wet wipes, toilet paper, hand towel, large hair clip, pain medicine, alcohol gel. I don't usually go out with any makeup, just things I really need if I'm out of the house all day.

• cell phone + battery + headphones: cell phones are practically indispensable nowadays, with so many features that we end up not going out without them.

• notepad and pen: I don't always have the patience to write or sketch an idea digitally, sometimes I'm old school.

• camera: I love photographing the beauty of an ordinary day and unexpected things, people on the way, the beauty of my city, saving moments that I will no longer experience.

• slippers: I usually end up taking off my shoes when I spend the day outside and coming home with my slippers on.

• sunglasses: I can no longer leave the house without my glasses because they provide a lot of protection, especially if you live in tropical places like me in Brazil.

• reading/resting glasses: I always carry my Kindle in my bag to read whenever I have some time and I like to protect my eyes from the many screens of the day.

• Kindle: it's very explanatory, I like to carry it in my bag so I don't have the excuse that I don't have time to read.

• cap: in addition to protecting from the sun and rain, on bad hair days a cap or hat saves the look.

• wallet: a card, money, ID, driver's license: in Brazil many things still require money so I carry some in my wallet for that reason, but this is the basics for everyday life.

• bluettoth keyboard, iPad mini with pen or notebook: I don't like going out with a notebook at home, when I go out to write I take the paper with me or use my cell phone or iPad mini with a bluetooth keyboard, I find it much more practical and portable.

Well that's it! Do we have similar or completely different tastes? Leave here in the comments what are your essentials in your everyday bag?

Kisses 💋


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