New love...
New love?
Her hurried steps seemed to sink into the ground, the even light wind seemed to weigh on his tired and tanned face with the rush of his feet.
One, two, three and just one more avenue blocked the rest of their destination. The rush could overwhelm the calm if one were not so firm and serene. Her feet slow down and with a gentle smile she returns it, in the mouth of the hurricane she finds the calm that seemed to have forgotten her existence.
Despite this, her feet continued to follow their path, but the deep, brown gaze with a familiar feeling of calm and moments of contemplation stopped her from rushing.
Like a blank paper or like a cloudless sky, her thoughts are gone like smoke. How could such a welcoming voice have found such a friendly smile and made such an intriguing mouth of knowledge.
She couldn't understand the size of the surprise, but she didn't question the size of the gift. She would like to stay and even could if all the Xs of the day were in place. There were still so many left and all that weight on her shoulders she just wanted to throw on the couch.
Even though that feeling reached her heart, her body didn't have the energy to want someone so much at that moment other than herself...
Kisses 💋