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The crowd bring her back to herself...

Updated: Mar 3

Jenny on Life's Adventure - Chapter #01

The crowd slowed her steps and every boarding call took hers thoughts away like someone who speaks or tries to shout while submerged. It was this feeling that most distressed her when she thought about this madness.

She had heard so many times that week that despite the fear, the bravest were the happiest - because it did not paralyze them - that she decided to relive - despite the rare occasions - that feeling.

She thought it was impossible to be so afraid, but her body seemed to want to petrify her feet as a way of saying: don't go, but hers thoughts crossing her gaze were another way - this time from his soul - saying: go, you're already late.

She knew it was the biggest madness of her life, even though for many it was the simplest of solutions. Her heart felt like it would fly out of his mouth and they could barely understand hers words. She had bought a one-way ticket, that was her destiny: to land in the uncertainty of life and with fear - a lot of fear - indeed.

One of the scariest things in life is to dive headfirst into an unknown world. After all, being in the unknown involves our most absurd fears, insecurities and hopes that have ever crossed our minds. But another equally or even more frightening thing is to be somewhere that doesn't make you want to live.

Being in a place that steals your life and little by little you start to lose yourself, first of the things you like to do, then of the people you would so much like to meet and lastly of yourself. She wondered if her age and the rush of time that life has been going by lately had made her realize that her greatest folly was actually not living.

She was determined, this time there was no turning back. It was the beginning of an end. And the beginning of an end that would bring her more than great adventures, but would bring her back to herself...

Beijim 💋


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