The seeds that you sowed
Belived in.
Maybe you don't know, but...
You should believe in the seeds you planted, in each one of them.
I know it may seem silly and almost fantasy, but even the ones you no longer remember are growing, somewhere or inside someone.
Let your seeds have time to germinate, absorb nutrients, take root and finally grow. It's nothing that amazing, just wait. If there's one thing that people don't usually learn, even with a lot of baggage on their shoulders, it's patience.
I myself have thought: what am I going to do with this? With this knowledge? With this experience? And even so, years later I still remembered what I planted in the past was helping me in the future.
That's life, nothing ever makes sense. They are randomly loose pieces, or not so much, and you only realize the big picture when you get closer to non-existence, it's as if our only task was to live and learn, nothing more.
In the end, everything fits together and makes sense, at least that's how I hope to feel at the end of my journey. Have you been growing good seeds?
Kisses 💋...